Sunday, July 18, 2010

Last night

Last night I had the pleasure of talking to some close family friends about doTERRA. He is a man who struggles with many, many pain issues (much like myself).
They had heard that the oils had helped me, helped my pain, so I shared my doTERRA testimony with them, the husband and wife.
He had the same response as I did, with the thought process of "I'm already in so much pain, and have tried so many things, and nothing has worked, why not...."
So, he said, "honey, get the money, pay the girl."
I was so thankful they were open to it, to the thought that maybe, just maybe, this might work, that the pain might subside.
It did for me, I'm praying the same for him.
I praised the Lord last night, as I'm doing this morning.
God is good.
And I am blessed.

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