Saturday, August 2, 2014

Be the Bigger Person

I recently posted a new design on my Etsy Shop Instagram account, @shopberrygirlsc. 
You're probably thinking, "yeah, so..."
Well, this post was special. Special because of the steps I took prior to posting it. 

The following screen shots will shed light on just how particular I was regarding this post.

I can't begin to express how anxious I was sending that little direct IG message. 
It was the type of situation where I knew it was the right thing to do, but there was no telling of the outcome and how it would be received. Needless to say, that anxiety dissipated once I read her response. 

I sent out a plea to my fellow handmade shop owners attached to the following picture-
..."Friends, if your designs are copies of someone else's work, I beg of you to consult the original designer before venturing off & calling it 'yours.' I did just that- I spoke with her to get the OK prior to posting this."

(I also paid her a compliment, hoping that showed her just how much respect I have for her business!)

Do you get what I'm saying? This certainly doesn't just apply to jewelry but to any other form of art or small business. 

So today, I'm a thankful and relieved girl! 
Also, how cute is this Alice In Love bracelet?!  

Coming soon! 

Friday, June 27, 2014

The Americano Mustache

Lately it seems to be just a fad but the idea behind Gentlemen & their (fancy!) Mustache has been around since, well, seemingly the beginning of time! 
So I figured it was better late than never to jump on the Mustache bandwagon! 

Meet berrygirlSC's Mustache collection...(these are special because I only have 1 set of each style!)

Took product pics this afternoon so I plan to have these listed in the shop by tonight! 
Perfect timing too because the Etsy shop SALE is in full swing! 

Head there now!